Ethics & Compliance Policy Report form

We, Danaos Corporation, our subsidiaries, and our affiliates are committed to conducting our business with high ethical standards. Among our first priorities is to establish a corporate and working culture that enhances the value of ethics and encourages individual responsibility. Thus, we abide by the Corporate Governance Guidelines and all the Code of Conduct & Ethics and relevant Policies. Each employee of the Company, including each of our directors and officers, is responsible for conducting the business in a manner that demonstrates a commitment to the highest standards of integrity.

We have established procedures for the receipt, recording, investigation, evaluation, reporting and closing of such reports. We rely on our employees maintaining a culture of honest and ethical behavior and provide this reporting system to enable all employees as well as vendors, agents, technicians, contractors, consultants, or any other stakeholder to report an incident, situation or conduct that violates the Company’s Codes of Business Conduct & Ethics, policies and procedures, and the applicable laws or regulations directly and anonymously to the Company's Audit Committee via our web form below.

Anonymity: When you submit information using the web form below, you can choose whether to send your personal information such as name and contact information. If you choose not to share your contact information with us then your input will be entirely anonymous. Be aware that anonymous reports are sometimes difficult to investigate. The investigator is not able to ask follow-up questions or get information from you that might be helpful to the investigation.  If you opt to remain anonymous, no effort will be made to identify you. If you choose to provide your name, the report will be handled discreetly and treated confidentially to the extent possible under applicable laws.

User Information: Your user information and IP address are not tracked unless your contact information is provided below.

Protection: The Company’s Codes of Business Conduct & Ethics and all relevant Policies prohibit employees from engaging in retaliatory conduct against those who make or are perceived to have made a report of unethical, illegal and unsafe acts or those who provide information as a witness to such acts.

All users of this function should have first read the Ethics & Compliance Policy of Danaos Corporation. You may submit a text up to 2000 characters and attach up to 5 supporting documents no larger than 1 MB each. Please do not try and upload files larger than this - they will be rejected by the server.

Please click the 'Submit' button when you've finished your report. You can also click 'Reset' at any time.

Ethics & Compliance Policy Report Form

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